ENDORSED BY: Sally Roddy (SS) | Tim Ford (ADC) | Amy Janon (PC) | Donna Parish (SS) | Betsy Fuhr (Acct) | Jessica Rabbiner (ADC) | Conor Karrel (Acct) | Nicole "Coco" Falls (PC) | Sara Dart (SS) | Chris Augustine (TPO)

We are a coalition of diverse Local 871 members with a common desire to build on the progress the Local has made. We stand for the empowerment of all our crafts and will advocate equally for all our members.

Over the last three years our Local has effected a number of positive changes that will have lasting impacts, including:

  • Commissioning a pay equity study which led to the creation of ReelEquity, making 871 the industry leader in the public campaign for equitable pay
  • Organizing Script Coordinators and Writers Assistants, the largest successful organizing of a new craft in IATSE history
  • Hiring a Field Representative, the daily eyes and ears of the Local to members on the job and increased visibility for the Local to the industry
  • Allowing non-rostered members to take Contract Services classes that are required for IATSE members – a big step towards getting these crafts added to the roster
Our coalition is comprised of current Board members who were instrumental in ushering in these positive changes and new candidates who are eager to be part of this exciting journey. We represent the crafts in our Local with a diversity of backgrounds, ideas, and points of view that allows us to consider many points of view. Looking to the future, our goals include:
  • Building a strong and united front with other Hollywood Locals in preparation for the next 2021 contract negotiations
  • Increased education for our members, both craft-specific and in the workings of the Local, the IATSE, and the labor movement
  • Continuing to foster cooperation and solidarity among our members, on the job, and in the union
  • Getting Accountants recognized under all of our Agreements
We pledge to serve the members of Local 871 with integrity, consideration for all, and to continue building on the progress already achieved so that together we all may rise.

Your vote counts. Please cast your ballot for our entire slate of candidates. You can learn more about each of us below. When you get your ballot in the mail please check off all our names and return the ballot as soon as possible; the deadline for receipt at the Local is December 20.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
President – Doug Boney – Production Coordinator

I have been involved in the local since almost day one by joining the Constitution & By-Laws Committee just a couple of months after my initiation. I also joined the Diversity Committee to advocate for LGBTQIA+ issues in the local and IATSE, soon after which I became the Chairperson. As Chairperson of the Diversity Committee I helped push for equity in the MPIPHP health plans for LGBTQIA+ members and spearheaded getting the Pay Equity Study off the ground by working with our Business Representative to research and interview potential candidates to conduct the study and collaborating with Working Ideal during the research phase of the study.

I have served as a Delegate and in some capacity on the Board of Directors for the past two terms, during the last term serving as Vice President. While serving as Vice President I have stepped up to regularly conduct Board and General Membership Meetings and to support the local and members by helping the local run smoothly in the absence of our President while she worked on distant locations.

In addition, I am a graduate of the first ever IATSE Young Workers Conference, IATSE Officers Institute 1.0 & 2.0 (Organizing), and Train the Trainer. This past year I was appointed by President Loeb to represent IATSE on the National Executive Board of Pride@Work, where I represent IATSE and the LGBTQIA+ community on the national level.

I humbly ask for your vote for President of IATSE Local 871 as I plan to continue working with you and our leadership to build on this unprecedented progress we have achieved.

Thank you.
Vice President – Pamela Brown – Production Coordinator

It has been my privilege to serve as a Member of the Board for three years. In representing you, the membership, I have exhibited Passion, Integrity, Loyalty, Fairness, and the ability to recognize my mistakes and make reparations.

Before I became involved with our local, I blamed it and its Business Agents for low wages and lack of benefits. I discovered I was uninformed, and mistaken.

In 2013 with production leaving Los Angeles, I joined the campaign to pass AB1839 – the California Tax Incentive Bill. In Sacramento, I witnessed legislators allied with I.A.T.S.E., DGA and SAG members to pass this crucial law. Significant production returned to California. AB1839 was again signed into law this year.

Inspired, I joined our 2015 negotiations committee. I learned it’s neither our Business Representative’s nor our local’s fault that we don’t have equitable wages and better working conditions. It’s the AMPTP, whose members refuse to recognize the value of our work and appropriately compensate us as industry professionals.

Although disappointing, strides were made in these negotiations. APOCs and ADCs achieved set rates and overtime. Our BA showed these crafts to be egregiously underpaid by compiling a wage presentation--glaring evidence that AMPTP could not deny.

Determined to do more, I became a Board Member, where I advocated for commissioning a Pay Equity Study. This successful investigation led to the Reel Equity Campaign and an open letter to the industry calling for fair pay. I’m proud to be an original signer of this letter and a Committee member. I also supported organizing Script Coordinators and Writers Assistants and hiring our much-needed Field Rep. Both actions have contributed significantly to a stronger, viable local.

Now we must unite behind our Reel Equity Campaign to gain deeper respect in the industry, and join with other IATSE members to create an unbeatable force in the next negotiations. I remain committed to standing up for justice in representing your best interests.

These are exciting times for our local! VOTE for our slate! We WILL definitely continue to BUILD ON PROGRESS TOGETHER!
Secretary – Sandy Fleck – Script Supervisor

As a two term member of the Board (currently serving as Secretary) I've been directly involved with the positive changes the Local is experiencing. During my first term I was Chair of both the Building and the Renovations Committees, determining the Local's office space needs, searching for the right building, purchasing it, and working with the architect to create the wonderful space we now inhabit. As Chair of the Events Committee I put on three holiday parties, each one better attended than the last and all at or under budget while a good time was had by all.

This term, being on the Negotiation and Pay Equity Committees opened my eyes to just how difficult it is to affect change for our members, despite the dedication and hard work of our union Representatives, when those on the other side of the table's only legal obligation is to show up, nothing else.

As a Delegate, what I learn at IA conventions makes me better able to talk effectively with members about union issues. It's also given me the opportunity to represent the Local in labor-related endeavors such as Labor United for Universal Healthcare and the Labor Network for Sustainability.

Looking forward I see education as a major component in the continued progress of the Local and our members. Education to improve ourselves in our crafts, certainly, and also in the ways of the union, solidarity, and how we can work together to strengthen all our positions.

From childhood my personal philosophy has been that we’re here to take care of each other, something I strive to do every day. Building on Progress Together isn’t just a catchphrase for our group of candidates, it’s the way we can all help each other rise. I welcome the opportunity to continue developing as an advocate and working on behalf of all the members of Local 871 as Board Secretary and as a Delegate.

Treasurer – Michael Williams – Accountant

Sisters and Brothers of IATSE Local 871.

The preceding three years have seen remarkable growth, expansion and progress at IATSE Local 871. The Local now has a membership numbering approximately three thousand. Two new crafts, Script Coordinators and Writers’ Assistants, have organized and been added to the list of crafts represented by Local 871 this year. The coming year projects to be another one of exciting growth and progress.

It has been an expansive and humbling experience to have served as Treasurer for Local 871 during this time and at this stage of growth within our Local. Today, having attended the IATSE’s Officers Institute as well as the union’s training for Treasurers, I am substantially better prepared to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the office. I look forward to participating in and contributing to making the coming three years among the most progressive and productive for the members of Local 871 and the IATSE. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the membership of our local for the past three years and I hope that you allow me to do this once again for another three years.

It is in this spirit that I ask for your vote.

RJ Hume - Sergeant-at-Arms - Production Coordinator

Fellow members, I have been in our Local for 17yrs.  After so many years of almost non-existent progress, I take pride in serving on your Board of Directors these last three years and witnessing more progress than ever over the last 5 years.  Being a nominee with the Building On Progress slate for the upcoming elections, I am proud to run with some fellow Board members to continue with the much needed growth along with some respected veterans and younger members to bring more awareness to the needs of the Local.  Running with a positive approach, as opposed to sending out misleading information, served us well these last three years and we look forward to achieving more growth and respect that we all significantly deserve in Local 871.    The encouragement I have felt from the progress along with the support of many members has inspired me to run for the office of Sergeant-At-Arms and Delegate with this esteemed group.

Please consider this slate of devoted members which is led by our Presidential nominee, Doug Boney.  As Vice President these last three years, Doug Boney stepped up to Chair most of the Board and Membership meetings.  I have witnessed Doug lead with integrity and was one of the most knowledgeable people I know when it came to our constitution and Parliamentary procedures.  Our other officers, Pamela Brown, Michael Williams and Sandy Fleck will serve with the passion and knowledge they have already given to the Local.  I will be honored and proud to continue serving you while assisting the President, Officers and esteemed Board members to maintain decorum when needed and assist in practical details of setting up meetings. 

From representing us in Sacramento to offering my assistance in an arbitration case in order to bring in new members, my goal is to continue serving you at the best of my ability.  I’ll strive to promote positive attitudes and encourage continued accomplishments from our Board of Directors and Business Reps.  From commissioning the Pay Equity study to the hiring of a needed Field Rep to welcoming the largest organized group of new members in IATSE history, we will keep moving forward.  You deserve to be represented positively, fairly, fiscally and respectfully while we move to gain more respect in our industry.  The knowledge and progress displayed these last three years was the change this Local was eager to experience.  Let’s keep building!
In Solidarity!
Noelle Hubbell – Production Coordinator

I'm running for the Board of Directors and as a Delegate because I want to effect positive change instead of complaining about the status quo. In both these positions I would be able to meet with other IATSE members and bring fresh ideas to the Local. My work as a production coordinator has taught me to see the big picture as well as the individual details of a problem.
Carol Kiefer – Art Department Coordinator

I'm Carol Kiefer, a working ADC for 25 years, and I'm running for both a seat on the Board of Directors and as a Delegate.

I helped organize the ADCs in 1993 and I have a long history of fighting for our rights. I served on the Board when we were in 717 and again when that Local merged with 871. I am completing a term as a Board member this year. We’ve made progress but there is so much more to be done. We are working hard to shine a light on the reality of pay inequity for members of Local 871 and are taking a stand to correct that imbalance. We’ve added additional crafts to our ranks and Local 871 is now a strong presence in IATSE. I want to be a catalyst for change and continue to be a voice for my fellow ADCs.

I like being a Delegate and I’m running for another term in that capacity. I always learn something new at the District meetings that makes me a better Union representative and gives me renewed energy and focus to do the work needed for change.

I’m proud of our Local but there is more to be done to make it better. I’d like your vote so that we can Build on Progress Together.
Sharron Reynolds-Enriquez – Script Supervisor


That’s what I want for all of our crafts. In order to gain that respect we must work together. All of our members must get involved. As a board member I pledge to work for all members. I will champion the cause for pay equity and improved working conditions. Having been present at the last Local negotiations, I have become interested in the working of ourLlocal in conjunction with the union at large. I would be honored to represent Local 871 as a delegate.

Rooh Steif – Script Supervisor

As a 21-year member of 871 running for Board of Directors for the first time, I am excited to understand and advocate for all crafts in our Local. Though our handiwork is not directly on screen, everyone’s contribution proves essential to achieve the final product. We ALL deserve respect and remain equally important. I am excited for the opportunity to learn more about labor law and collective bargaining and I will use that knowledge and my experience of three decades on set to advocate for all of our union members.

Erika-Summer Walken – Accountant

I have spent over a decade working with networks to help transform and streamline their policies and procedures. I believe my strong and balanced voice will have the same positive influence within our union. Through my field experience I look forward to ushering in a more progressive era at 871.

Charlene Wallis – Teleprompter Operator

We all know that working in this industry can be tough! I believe it is crucial for each seat at this table to be diverse in representing the different crafts of our local. I would love to continue filling that seat for the teleprompter operators, and also your consideration in having me continue on as a Delegate for Local 871. As a teleprompter operator, I understand how important it is for our ever progressing local to have a well-rounded delegation that properly represents and adequately reflects our membership. Thank you for your time!
We also support these candidates running for the Board independently:

Debbie Ezer – Script Coordinator
Babette Stith – Script Supervisor
Aaron Weiner – Script Coordinator

Doug Boney (PC)

Pamela Brown (PC)
Michael Coulombe (SS)
Debbie Ezer (SC)
Sandy Fleck (SS)
Jennifer A. Haire (PC)
Noelle Hubbell (PC)
RJ Hume (PC)
Carol Kiefer (ADC)
Brandy Reed (PC)

Sharron Reynolds-Enriquez (SS)
Dee Schuka (Asst Acct)
Leslie Simon (BR)
Rooh Steif (SS)
Alix Sternberg (SC)
Babette Stith (SS)
Erika-Summer Walken (Acct)
Charlene Wallis (TPO)
Aaron Wiener (SC)
Michael Williams (Acct)

No union funds were used for the creation or maintenance of this website.

The Local has had no role in and takes no responsibility for the statements made herein.